Saturday, January 25, 2025

Drawing 101: Lesson Seven

Anybody can draw. I realize that is not the common view but I stick by it. If you want to learn how to draw, you can. You just have to practice and have some confidence in yourself. Here are seven “lessons” that will help you get there. I’ve been drawing since I was a kid and had art lessons in high school. I’ve also read a few books on drawing. I’m taking ideas from all my experiences and reading to help you learn how to start drawing. I recommend doing no more than one lesson a day. It takes some time to learn to draw. Just like anything else, you have to practice on a regular basis to get there.

Lesson Seven

This last lesson will bring together everything you’ve learned in lessons 1-6. Time to put your skills to the test! Recruit a family member who will sit for you. They need to sit in the same basic position for about 15 minutes. I drew my 4-year-old son as he sat and watched television. He stayed in pretty much the same position so it worked. I thought the way his hand was resting on his face was interesting. Try not to just draw a person looking straight at them. That is kind of boring wouldn’t you say? Look for an angle that feels interesting to you.

Lightly and quickly draw the outline of their face, hair, facial features, neck, and shoulders. You are not going for perfection,  you can erase any lines you don’t like later. Just make adjustments to your lines as you go. Draw any shapes that you see caused by the light. Draw exactly what you see. Fill in the shaded areas. Fill in the hair with the texture that you see.


Editor’s Note: We are now accepting submissions by anyone that has attempted these lessons. Go here to see how to submit your drawings.

Brandon Atwood
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Brandon Atwood

Hey there, my name is Brandon Atwood. You'll see contributions from me that are primarily visual. I love to draw and paint, so when I get inspired I will share it with you. My hope is that my art will help you experience the power of the resurrection in new and fresh ways in this fallen world.

3 thoughts on “Drawing 101: Lesson Seven

  • Hi there I love your Drawing lessons, I have a home education site free for home educators resources workbooks ect Would you mind if i uploaded your work with your web site link and your information. I don’t want to pinch your work well i do ha ha ha But i don’t want to upload as my work, Some parent would find your lessons interesting i think there great. My web site has not yet been published but i will be doing so in a weeks time. I will not post any of your work without your consent If you could please let me no thank you very much jane hudson. I’s a non profit tite free downloads I do not charge or make any money.

    • Phill Lytle

      Feel free to link to the Drawing Lessons. They are downloadable. Please give us credit and refer your readers back to our site.

      Thanks for reading!

  • Ben Plunkett

    Having someone watch T.V., no matter how old, is the only way to get some people to sit still for 15 minutes. That is, why’ll their awake.


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