Wednesday, February 12, 2025

“The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” – A Brief Review

I’m 46 years old and an avid reader. Once I learned how to read, I have been an avid reader my entire life. (Funny how those things seem to go hand-in-hand.) Shockingly, unbelievably, I had never read “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” by Barbara Robinson. I am without excuse, and I beg your forgiveness for my regrettable lapse of judgment. I’ve seen the error of my ways and have now read this blessed little book. It was as good as advertised. Better, even.

christmas pageant

A brief summary of “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever”

“The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” is about, wouldn’t you know it, a Christmas pageant. The story takes place in an unnamed town sometime in the hazy, nostalgic past. It’s a story that is instantly recognizable; like something we’ve all known our entire lives. Yet, Robinson tells it with such wit and heart that it feels fresh and new and brimming with deeper insights than a book this small has a right to hold. And at the center of the story, both in plot and in heart, are the Herdman children.

The Herdman kids are little terrors. They are bullies and thieves. They are rude, mean, disobedient, and disrespectful. They cuss, hit, smoke, and drink. But worst of all, they hijack the annual Christmas pageant. To be clear, they didn’t set out to take over the pageant. They actually started coming to church for the refreshments. It was then that they heard about the pageant, and as the Herdmans are wont to do, they opt to make life miserable for everyone around them by taking most of the lead roles in the upcoming pageant. The church and town are appalled and terrified and just the slightest bit concerned for their safety. It’s a fun time for everyone.

Why you should read “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever”

That’s all the set up I’m going to give you. To reveal more would be a great disservice to anyone who has not read this amazing little book by Barbara Robinson. “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” should be required reading for every church and family during the Christmas season. For one, it is absolutely hilarious. If you have the capacity to laugh, you will laugh out loud more than once during your brief time with the Herdman kids and everyone in their orbit of chaos. If you need more smiles and laughs during the Holiday season, look no further than “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever.”

But as funny as the book is, I wouldn’t be giving this glowing recommendation on that strength alone. Somehow, in the middle of all the shenanigans and goings on, there is a giant heart in this story. Miraculously, this giant beating heart is delicately and subtly woven throughout the story in a way that feels completely earned and organic. It’s not preachy and it never feels forced or worse, sickly sweet. The narrative momentum doesn’t stop so the grand message of Christmas can be shared to an unsuspecting audience. The deeper truths are simply and elegantly built into the DNA of the story. Don’t be surprised if you shed a few tears before the end. I know I did.

If you need any other reasons to read this delightful story, here is a handful of rapid-fire ones.

  • It’s short – around 100 pages. (Seriously, you could read it in one sitting if you wanted to.)
  • Gladys Herdman is comedy gold!
  • You will see the Christmas story through new eyes.
  • You will love the gift the Wise Men bring to baby Jesus.
  • Gladys is the Angel of the Lord, and everyone is understandably terrified of her.

I could go on, but I think that’s enough for now. Simply put, read the book. You will not be disappointed.


Dallas Jenkins, of The Chosen fame, has a film adaptation of “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” coming to theaters on November 8th. I would highly recommend you read the book first. I have no idea if the film will do the story justice. I’ve been happy with the trailers and footage I’ve seen so far, but without seeing the final product, I simply can’t pass judgment at this point. I know we have a lot of readers who are big fans of The Chosen, so I wanted to be sure to implore you to start with the book. I think even Dallas would agree with that sentiment considering how big of a fan he is of the book.

Check out our review of the newly released movie adaptation right here:

Phill Lytle
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Phill Lytle

Phill Lytle loves Jesus, his wife, his kids, his family, his friends, his church, J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, 80s rock, the Tennessee Titans, Brandon Sanderson books, Whiteheart, Band of Brothers, Thai food, the Nashville Predators, music, books, movies, TV, writing, pizza, vacation...

4 thoughts on ““The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” – A Brief Review

  • Steve L

    Thanks for the review, Phill. I honestly don’t remember hearing about this book, much less reading it. How is that possible? But I’m going to see if I can check it out at the library or buy it at McKay’s.

  • Amy Lytle

    I LOVE this book so much.

  • David Potete

    Great Review! And yes, READ THE BOOK FIRST!!! Reading the book will make the movie even more meaningful!

  • Saw the pre-release. Dallas did a great job and you won’t be disappointed.


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