Friday, March 28, 2025

The Fool’s Way (Considering Ecclesiastes)

Even as he walks along the road, the fool lacks sense
and shows everyone how stupid he is.

– Ecclesiastes 10:3

The Fool’s Way

Heaven’s logic is that His children
should definitely shy away
from the evil path of fools,
for they’re standing upon earthen floors,
not upon The Maker’s founding mountain.

Hearken, now, Heaven speaks
to us; it tells us how
we were enslaved in
the world’s abyss – shallow, vague and
aloof it forever is.
In the skies, the angels shine
like stars dancing, shimmering;
they are yearning and praying for
we who are ravenous
for immediate, immeasurable riches
rather than unending redemption.

Fools, however, place not their hopes
in Heaven’s saving home.
But the Creator’s children fill time;
many moments survive them.

Most Anti-Creators say a yellowish
organism oozed from mire.
Some of them say it then
slowly aged and developed
into man, who is now mad,
now love-exempt – now
the grime stirs and generates soulless
minds, they say, transforming
our trivial, meaningless, and reasonless mortality.

This gloominess flung godliness
to the gravel; humankind lost His
light to deep darkness.
O Lord, offer us your light,
save us from sin’s reign.
See, Lord, how fools surround us.

Early upon the earth The King
sat upon the throne.

He’s been behind His needy children,
all through time. He’s
the enemy of evil;
He’s its foe. The Spirit helps
to push the ominous
void to the depths so that
it dissipates. The truant
armies are intent, advancing into openly
ambiguous areas; sediment of
mankind. What does God want to
do about this dubious
situation? It slowly transformed and made
the hours stand still.
The harrowing moments started decadent, delusional
Revolutions, but shall be
overthrown. And when they know wisdom’s
plot, they’ll vomit pounds
of fear. Innocent children need not
fear such sound, determinate
fortune. Their allotment, too,
is the end; they’ll
finish it. They’ll inherit everlasting life;
they’ll see the Lord.
Tremble with either delight or despair
in His holy sanctuary.

Alas for the first and the
last of time! Doom exercises death.

See what excellent weather; it is
a favored day for
such an end, making men desist
hostility. You fleeting, you
last – this is the end that
must be. Evil men
will sunder, rejecting that which makes
The Father the everlasting Father,
avoiding Him as though He’s vomit.
He’ll deliver heavenly redemption
to Christ’s children of faith; may
He cancel evil’s curse.
We ready ourselves for these
things in staunch stances.
We will not surrender to
Hell’s soldiers and henchmen.
The punishment of the others, the
fallen, is that they
indeed shall surrender, descending into death’s
eternal darkness, living despair,
but not as much as the
fading of paradise. For
they’ve not accepted, they’ve spurned it.
In that time beyond
time they’ll know, they’ll have entered
their end, their destination.
We’ve evaded the ways of our
Brother, sisters, sons, daughters –
They are enticed into open traps.
Only at the end
do the pupils see their ruin.
They, and all the
empty-hearted ones, shall sense the
nearness of that terrible
blaze-blackened abyss floor of fools.

Ben Plunkett
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Ben Plunkett

Greetings from the booming metropolis that is Pleasant View, Tennessee. I am a man of constant spiritual highs and spiritual lows. I pray that I serve God at my highest even when I am lowest.

One thought on “The Fool’s Way (Considering Ecclesiastes)

  • Steve L

    Excellent! This poem embraces the Sovereign Lord’s justice and righteous judgments, and also His mercy and kindness to those that fear Him. Well said!


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