Sunday, February 16, 2025

I Am Thankful For… Unexpectedly Good Books

I’m thankful for good books to read, especially when they are unexpectedly good books.

Specifically today, I’m thankful to have a new book by one of my favorite authors, Brandon Sanderson, called Starsight. Starsight is the sequel to what might be my favorite book of Sanderson’s: Skyward.

unexpectedly good books - Starsight by Brandon Sanderson

I loved science fiction growing up; but, as I grew older, my love of science fiction waned as my love of fantasy waxed.1 I probably went a couple of decades without reading any science fiction novels until last year.

Last year, Sanderson released Skyward.

unexpectedly good books - Skyward by Brandon Sanderson

I was very skeptical. It was a novel for teens rather than adults, and it was science fiction, a genre I thought I had moved beyond. But I trusted the author, so I bought and read the book.

Then immediately read it again.

Then bought the audiobook and listened to it.

I’ve read it twice more over the past year.

I actually managed to not cry the last time I read it.

Yes, it’s that good. I mentioned it in an article I wrote earlier this year.

I know Starsight won’t fall in the unexpectedly good books category, but I hope it’s as good as I expect it to be. My expectations are dangerously high.2

I’ll leave you with this quote from Skyward.

People need stories, child. They bring us hope, and that hope is real.

Brandon Sanderson, Skyward, p. 424

  1. Yes, that was intentional for my fellow Brandon Sanderson fans who might be reading this.
  2. I’m already halfway through it at the time of the publishing of this article, and I am not disappointed.
Nathan Patton

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Nathan Patton

Nathan lives in the foothills of the Ozarks in Southeastern Missouri with his wife and five children. They used to live in New York City; and, while they sometimes miss it, especially the food and public transportation, they do enjoy being closer to nature and Cardinals baseball.

2 thoughts on “I Am Thankful For… Unexpectedly Good Books

  • Phill Lytle

    Can’t wait to start reading this soon!

    And yes, reading an unexpectedly good book is amazing. That happened to me when I read Cormac McCarthy’s “The Road” for the first time. It just blew me away.

  • Steve L

    I hope I can read it sometime.


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