Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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2023 – The Rambling Ever On Year in Review

2023 was an interesting year for Rambling Ever On. While in some ways it felt like we slowed down a bit, we ended up publishing 63 articles. (That’s a rough count. Please don’t check our math!) We also hit a pretty big milestone earlier this year – over 1,000,000 views since our inception back in December of 2015.

In other ways, 2023 was a pretty typical year for us. We had some articles that really hit it big with our readers and some that failed to land, though we hope they will find an audience eventually. Fortunately, we don’t write for views, or for money, so it doesn’t really matter how popular our articles become. We write for the love of it. So, when something we write connects with you guys, it’s extra special.

The following 15 articles were the most well-read in 2023. Some of our personal favorites made the list and some didn’t. We never really know what is going to take off. If you missed any of the following articles, click on the image so you can read it.

Thanks so much for taking this journey with us. We appreciate our readers so much and we value your feedback and interaction more than you know. Here’s to another great year in 2024!

15. Pixar


We did a thing in 2023 – we ranked every Pixar film. We wrote so much about these movies we had to split it into two parts. (Click on the image to read Part One. You can find Part Two right here.) We are very proud of this one and we hope it continues to find an audience. (We were joined by a few new contributors for our Pixar rankings and we are hopeful they will be able to write more in the future.)

14. People I Want to Hug in Heaven Series

Rich Mullins

If you haven’t read any of this series by Gowdy, you need to. These are short yet full of important details about the lives of notable believers. It’s part biography and part devotional.

13. I Know People


This is one of the most important things we’ve ever published. Gracious and kind yet full of truth. Steve Lytle confronts our culture of loud and uncharitable rhetoric in the name of “speaking the truth” and he shows us a better, more Biblical way.

12. I Lost Track of Time

track of time

Parents and grandparents, this is a must read. Trust us.

11. The Invisibles Part 2

The long-awaited follow up to one of our most popular articles.

10. A Tribute to Judy Lytle


We write tributes for important people. For Rambling Ever On, Judy Lytle is about as important as it gets.

9. Our Review of “The Wingfeather Saga” Animated Series

Wingfeather Saga

Do you love Andrew Peterson? Did you know he wrote a fantasy series? Were you aware they are in the process of making an animated series based on his novels and he is directly involved with the production? Well, Season One is out and we reviewed it. Check it out.

8. Gluttony Is a Sin, So Why Do We Love It?

Gowdy tackles a touchy subject and while it might be tough to read, it clearly connected with a lot of our readers.



Phill Lytle gave us his review of the new album from his favorite band, NEEDTOBREATHE. Read his thoughts to understand his somewhat complicated relationship with this record and to see where he ultimately lands.

6. I Love My Boring Church

boring church

A faithful and gospel-centered church does not have to be flashy, big, or exciting. Sometimes, it can look a little boring to the untrained eye. This is an ode to just that kind of church.

5. Seven Favorite Versions of “O Holy Night”

O Holy Night

Phill Lytle continues his tradition of highlighting well-deserving Christmas songs. “O Holy Night” gets the seat of honor this year.

4. Mylon Lefevre Songs


We celebrated the life and legacy of music legend Mylon Lefevre by looking back at some of his most important songs over the years. We always have an audience when we cover classic CCM and this article was no exception.

3. Teenagers and Social Media

Social Media

This one really connected with our readers, and for good reason. Every parent should read this and seriously consider making some changes with how they deal with social media in their homes.

2. Andrew Peterson Top 25

Andrew Peterson

We love ranking things, and we love Andrew Peterson’s music, so it was a no brainer for us to honor his 25th anniversary with a countdown of his best songs. We had 10 voters and contributors to this article which makes it a true team effort.

1. The Chosen Trifecta


We grouped our three most popular articles of 2023 together, since they all dealt with the same topic – The Chosen. Millions of people have fallen in love with this television show, and we happily include ourselves in that number. You can read the three articles by clicking the image above, or one of these two links.

Final Thoughts about 2023

What were some of your favorite Rambling Ever On articles of 2023? We would love to know. Please post them in the comments or in any of our social media platforms. Thanks again for reading in 2023. We hope you will continue visiting Rambling Ever On in 2024. We have some great stuff planned.

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One thought on “2023 – The Rambling Ever On Year in Review

  • Steve L

    How I enjoyed reading the review of 2023 articles just now! Recalling the memories it brought to mind, the challenges, the encouragement, the pure enjoyment; it was all so good. Thank you for this ongoing labor of love!


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